Afrigator‘s purpose was to reach a broader audience by localizing the website relative to the tastes and cultures of a specific state and improve user interaction. The instance concludes by discussing it intended to get market share and influence its existing user base and the future strategies of Afrigator and bloggers.
Despite difficulties like slow Internet speeds and small broadband availability in the continent, Afrigator attained significant success with a constant 25% month-on-month growth rate. It was also acknowledged as among the most interesting internet startups on the planet.
From a community standpoint and user determined what was significant, content relevancy was ordered at Afrigator. The case also emphasizes the features, functionality, and services provided by the media aggregator that is social. It then talks about the rivalry Afrigator had to confront as a result of the increase of social media stations in Africa.
The rise in Internet use, as well as a rise in the need for consumer-created content, led to the development of many social media websites in Africa. Nevertheless, experts opined that as the preferable option for internet users in the African continent, Afrigator would evolve with its ability to aggregate related content and user-friendly characteristics.
To develop its social media platform and to raise its user base, Afrigator formed partnerships. In addition, it collaborated to create a website on its website to showcase. To bring more visitors, Afrigator expanded its reach in each state and contained some added attributes on its website.
Inside my head, Afrigator is:
- Free and we now have other ideas for earning money. Yes, we should generate profits. Ever.
- A website about YOU that can get better the more it is used by YOU. We realize the need for your buy-in and involvement as the originators of the content, so please feel free to take a look at the development wiki for strategy and a clear view of our strategies. Remember that I use the wiki extremely so I’m possibly embarrassing myself here.
Considered as a search engine for websites, Afrigator enabled users to print and use the content online and aggregated site content from throughout the African continent.